During his campaign for President, Barak Obama promised Planned Parenthood Action Fund that abortion would be at the heart of his health care plan. When he was elected, the pro-abortion forces put together their wish list and this was at the top of of it. The President of Planned Parenthood said on NPR they planned to use this legislation as a platform to extend access to abortion to all women. Although the mainstream media did not report this, abortion was woven into the fabric of the house and senate bills in the spring.
In the House:
A small but courageous coalition of pro-life democrats in the House would not support health care legislation without pro-life amendments. Bart Stupak (D-MI) was the leader of that group. Because of your pro-life efforts - your calls, letters, and emails - and to the great shock of the media and White House, the coalition held strong and our pro-life amendment prevailed on Nov. 7th by a vote of 240-194.
In the Senate:
Because the pro-life amendments were defeated on Dec. 8th (54-45), the only pro-life vote in the Senate is "NO" on the health care bill.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he has 59 out of the 60 votes needed to end debate and proceed for a vote on the floor. Sen. Nelsen (D-NE), is the vote he needs. They (the White House and Senate leadership) are trying to offer Nelsen all sorts of inducements but he has not budged. (If you know anyone in Nebraska, please ask them to call Sen. Nelsen and ask for his continued support.) If somehow they should pick up another vote, whether Nelsen caves under this immense pressure (we pray for his continued courage) or a Republican defects (definitely a possibility) then we will have to rely on the House doing the right thing again. (It would return to the House and we would ask those who voted right the first time to do it again. Bill can't pass without their support.)
The next 10 days or so are critical!!
We must hold the line in the Senate. The pro-abortion forces have mobilized ALL their resources in the mainstream news media, opinion elites, White House, etc. They are counting on pro-lifers being distracted by one of the most sacred seasons of the year.
I know we are all busy, but we can't afford to NOT take the time to focus on this. We haven't lost. A CNN poll showed that 6 out of 10 Americans are opposed to taxpayer funded abortion, so the majority of Americans are on our side. The President knows that the closer we get to elections (Nov 10'), the more they will hear from constituents who oppose this so time is NOT on their side. We have to hold the line.
Don't be fooled by what you will read in the mainstream media saying an "abortion compromise" has been reached. They will put in phony language. They will not fix it. The only pro-life vote is NO at this point. Be sure you get your information from National Right to Life Committee or another trusted source.
There are some in the pro-life community who might be tempted take a pass on this cloture vote because its only a "procedural" vote. A pro-life senator could vote for "cloture" (to end debate), then turn around and vote "no" against the bill, knowing that there enough votes for bill to pass. Voting for cloture is being complicit in allowing federal funding for abortions. Because they have the votes on the final passage of the bill.
What to do:
1. TOMORROW MORNING: Contact Hagan and Burr (locally and in DC) and ask them to vote against cloture AND against final passage of the health care bill. Call, email or fax.
Hagan: (202) 224-6342 or (919) 856-4630.
Burr: (202) 224-3154 or (252) 977-9522.
2. Ask everyone you know to do the same.
3. Of course, pray.
Many of you have already called many times. Thank you. But now we need you to please call again and keep calling. Save their numbers in your cell phones and call every day. We can't stop now. This would be the largest expansion of abortion since Roe. v. Wade.
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